How staffing agencies can leverage SMS for candidate outreach in 2024

How staffing agencies can leverage SMS for candidate outreach in 2024


Rohit Ram Gopal

June 11, 2024

In today's fast-paced digital world, staffing agencies are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline their recruitment processes and attract top-notch candidates. With the rise of artificial intelligence and automation, there is one communication tool that has proven to be a game-changer: SMS messaging. Text messaging offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact a staffing agency's hiring strategy. In this article, we will explore how staffing agencies can leverage the power of SMS for enhanced candidate outreach in 2023.

1. The Power of Text Messaging in Candidate Engagement

When it comes to engaging candidates, text messaging takes the lead over traditional email recruiting. Text messages have an impressive open rate of 98%, compared to only 20% for emails. Moreover, the response rate for SMS is a staggering 45%, outperforming the modest 6% response rate for email. This high level of engagement is attributed to the convenience of text messaging. Even amidst a busy schedule or while on the go, most people find the time to read a text message. In fact, statistics show that you are 7.5 times more likely to receive a response from candidates via text than email.

To maximize the effectiveness of both channels, staffing agencies can adopt a strategic approach. For instance, when sending a lengthy email to a candidate, following up with a text ensures that they receive the message and stay engaged. Additionally, juggling multiple interview appointments can be made easier by forwarding the invitation via Google Calendar or Zoom and reinforcing it with an automatic confirmation text. When it comes to sharing additional job details beyond the limits of a text, agencies can share essential information via SMS and follow up with a comprehensive email containing all the necessary information.

2. Meeting Candidates' Communication Preferences

In today's digital era, candidates prefer texting over phone calls. Phone conversations are often perceived as time-consuming and anxiety-inducing, particularly by millennials and Gen Z. These generations consider phone calls to be outdated and invasive. They expect real-time information exchanges, preferably via SMS or instant messaging apps. In fact, 77% of people use native texting apps to communicate. By adopting SMS staffing, staffing agencies can align with candidates' communication preferences, making it easier to build an immediate connection. Texting allows candidates to compose their thoughts and respond on their terms, even if a phone call is later requested. It provides immediate value by transmitting critical information instantly, without the need for prolonged conversations. Moreover, SMS enables transparent communication in real-time about application status, interviews, or the next steps in the hiring process, eliminating the anxiety of waiting for a phone call.

3. Accelerating the Hiring Process with SMS Staffing

In today's competitive job market, speed is crucial. Long response times can lead to losing top talent to other opportunities. Unfortunately, many candidates experience long waiting periods for a response, with 52% waiting three months or more. By incorporating SMS staffing into their hiring strategy, staffing agencies can significantly speed up the hiring process and gain a competitive edge. Here are some strategies that can be implemented:

3.1 Text-to-Apply

Staffing agencies can allow candidates to apply via text by creating a QR code or sharing the contact details of a dedicated SMS number. This approach works particularly well for local businesses but can also be applied to other industries. Text-to-apply information can be included on receipts, invoices, landing pages, or apps, making it convenient for candidates to express their interest.

3.2 Screening Candidates via SMS

SMS can be leveraged to screen large volumes of candidates simultaneously. Staffing agencies can use predefined SMS templates to confirm role requirements, perform background checks, and request necessary documents before moving to the interview stage. Additionally, texting speeds up the process of following up with applicants to provide feedback, share links to hiring documents, and finalize hiring procedures.

3.3 Mobile Subscribers Opt-In

Agencies can allow mobile subscribers to opt-in to receive job alerts. When new users opt-in to the text program or apply for another job, they can be asked if they would like to be notified of new job openings. This ensures that agencies can reach out to interested candidates promptly.

3.4 Automatic Texts for Job Applications

Agencies can automatically send text messages to candidates right after they apply for a job, expressing their interest and engaging them further in the hiring process. This immediate response shows candidates that their application is valued and increases the chances of a positive outcome.

4. The Non-Intrusive Nature of Texting

When it comes to recruiting, it is essential to strike a balance between contacting candidates during work hours and avoiding intrusiveness. Candidates do not want their current employers to know that they are exploring other job opportunities. One of the main benefits of using SMS for recruitment is the discreet nature of text messaging. Staffing agencies can schedule texts during regular working hours without worrying about them being missed. Even if a candidate is busy, they can respond at their earliest convenience, ensuring a non-intrusive communication experience.

5. Simplifying Candidate Screening with SMS

Screening candidates is a time-consuming process, especially when dealing with a large volume of applicants. However, SMS staffing simplifies this process by enabling bulk texting. Staffing agencies can use predefined SMS templates to confirm role requirements, request necessary documents, perform background checks, and more. By automating these screening processes, agencies can save valuable time and resources, allowing their teams to focus on interviews and automatically removing candidates who do not meet the hiring criteria.

6. Increasing Application Form Completion Rates

Incomplete job applications can be frustrating for both candidates and staffing agencies. Many factors contribute to incomplete applications, including communication barriers. SMS staffing offers a solution to this problem. By collecting contact information, agencies can automatically follow up with job seekers via text. This follow-up allows candidates to ask questions, clarify any doubts, and revisit their application, ultimately improving completion rates. Staffing agencies can show candidates that they care by promptly answering questions and providing support throughout the application process.

7. Seamless Integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Most SMS solutions can be integrated with applicant tracking systems or existing infrastructure. This integration allows agencies to record all interactions with candidates, synchronize information between recruitment teams, and streamline communication. Additionally, documents sent via text can be automatically added to the ATS via API. Agencies can also configure no-code automation via platforms like Zapier to trigger specific actions automatically, such as sending SMS interview confirmations and follow-ups, sharing feedback with candidates, promoting new job openings, and providing application status updates.

8. Cost-Effective and Scalable Communication

One of the significant advantages of SMS staffing is its cost-effectiveness and scalability. Text messaging is relatively inexpensive, with an average cost of approximately 4 cents per message. To enable two-way communication with candidates, agencies can consider purchasing a dedicated SMS number, which typically ranges from $5 to $15 per month. Unlike other communication methods, SMS does not require long-term commitments or additional fees. Staffing agencies can utilize SMS as much or as little as needed, adjusting their usage based on candidate responses and requirements. Additionally, templates and automation make it easy to personalize each communication at scale, ensuring a seamless and efficient recruitment process.

9. Enhancing the Candidate Onboarding Experience

Successful onboarding is crucial in ensuring that new hires feel welcome and motivated. Only 12% of organizations onboard correctly, leaving room for improvement. Staffing agencies can leverage SMS to enhance the candidate onboarding experience and increase retention rates. Here are some ways agencies can utilize text messaging during the onboarding process:

9.1 Regular SMS Updates

Agencies can periodically send texts about company benefits, events, and news to keep new hires engaged and informed. This approach helps foster a sense of belonging and enables new team members to stay connected with the agency.

9.2 Feedback and Communication

Agencies can use SMS to ask new hires about their onboarding experience, providing an opportunity for them to share feedback and address any concerns. This open communication channel allows agencies to address issues promptly, ensuring a smooth transition for new hires.

9.3 Scheduled Meetings and Events

SMS can be used to schedule breakfast meetings, lunches, or other team events, allowing new hires to interact and build relationships with their colleagues. These gatherings facilitate integration into the company culture and create a sense of camaraderie among team members.

9.4 Administrative Task Reminders

Text messages can serve as reminders for new hires to complete administrative tasks related to their onboarding process. This includes submitting necessary documents, filling out forms, or completing online training modules. SMS reminders ensure that new hires stay on track and complete all required tasks.

In conclusion, SMS staffing has emerged as a powerful tool for staffing agencies to enhance their candidate outreach efforts in 2023. By leveraging the benefits of text messaging, agencies can improve engagement, meet candidates' communication preferences, accelerate the hiring process, simplify candidate screening, increase application completion rates, seamlessly integrate with ATS systems, reduce costs, and enhance the candidate onboarding experience. By incorporating SMS into their recruitment strategies, staffing agencies can gain a competitive advantage and attract top talent in a crowded market. The key lies in finding the right balance between different communication channels and tools to create a personalized and efficient candidate experience.

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