Run Cold Messaging on LinkedIn Successfully

Run Cold Messaging on LinkedIn Successfully

Sending out cold messages on LinkedIn can be quite daunting. If you don’t already know the best ways to organically send out messages to prospects, then you’ve landed in the right place. This article here is a great guide to all the unknown facts about cold messaging on LinkedIn for recruitment. 

Send and receive direct InMails and messages from anyone and make connections. Automated processes have made it all the easier for recruiters to get hold of suitable candidates. 

What to find in this article:

  • How to reach out to prospects on LinkedIn
  • Do’s and Don’ts in outreach strategy for recruitment
  • A surefire way to get responses from your prospects

LinkedIn Messaging to start conversations with prospects- Cold Messaging that works on LinkedIn

Let’s start with a basic understanding of how cold messaging works.

This section is going to be a quick guide as to how you can get started in making cold messaging successful!

Messaging the candidates on LinkedIn (begin the conversation) 

Using LinkedIn as a platform to interact with candidates is a smart way- we give it to LinkedIn.

Let’s begin by stating the basic move. Start conversations with prospects by messaging them on LinkedIn. Send a connection request on the prospect’s LinkedIn profile. Messaging on LinkedIn is an easy way to turn around more conversations with candidates. 

“As of 2019, the platform had 90 million senior-level influencers. Decision-makers were at 63 million and opinion leaders at 17 million.”

That’s right. LinkedIn allows you to reach and engage prospects easily. Find candidates by their name, position, location, company, & more.

Click on the ‘messaging’ icon on the LinkedIn banner at the top. 

Click on the messaging icon of the candidate’s profile to begin conversations. In case you’re connected or have interacted with this candidate, you can find the shortcut to the conversation in the messaging center on the bottom right. 

How to send LinkedIn message to new profiles

Let me be straight. LinkedIn filters out spam messages, so it turns out so that you cannot message everyone. The platform allows the exchange of messages only between 1st connections – only the ones who are in your connection.

You may avail LinkedIn premium that comes with InMail credits – with this you can send messages to anyone. Credits are limited– so make sure that you’re using them right. Opt for a plan based on business, career, or the industry you’re hiring for. 

Messaging on LinkedIn is possible even without the premium account. In that case, you may have to squeeze in your message within the character limit. Send the connection request along with the message and wait for the candidate to accept it.

LinkedIn messages from recruiters would be something like this: 

If you want to level up your conversations, go to the purchase section under the ‘me’ button. 

Do’s and Don’ts in outreach strategy for recruitment

There are so many facts about LinkedIn that recruiters need to know. Getting to know how exactly LinkedIn works and its rules will put you in a better position. Steer clear from getting your LinkedIn account blocked. 

Here are a few facts about LinkedIn to brush up with:

  1. 660 million users are on the professional network in more than 200 countries. The platform is also home to over 30 million companies.

  1. Once you join LinkedIn, each connection made introduces you to an average of 400 new people. You also get access to more than 100 new companies looking for your talent or skills and connections to 500+ jobs, on average.

  1. Salespeople who share content on LinkedIn have 45% more chances to increase their sales.

  1. According to LinkedIn, senders get a 300% response rate from InMails compared to other email or messaging platforms.

These facts draw a true picture of how LinkedIn covers a broad spectrum in the professional space.

Furthermore, there are some impending questions about LinkedIn that recruiters often find answers to. Let’s check them out, shall we?

How soon can you start sending messages on LinkedIn?

Sending out messages without expanding your network is probably not a good idea. Warm-up your account before approaching candidates of your choice. 

What is the right way to expand your network?

Keep a target of sending out 10 connection requests every day. You need to give your time & effort into warming up your account. Good things take time!

Is there any way to cancel any connections made?

If you want to cancel any requests made, then go to the ‘manage’ option and find the list of pending invitations. Pro tip: Withdraw pending invitations if you see them crossing 500!

How to send cold messages on LinkedIn?

You can send cold messages until they become spam! Personalized messages work best if you want a quick response from the prospect. 

Effective strategies that assure responses from cold messages

Once you’ve warmed up your recruiter account on LinkedIn, it’s time for cold messaging! If your cold message has received any responses, you can give yourself a pat on the back. We’ll help you to send cold messages to your prospects. 

Have we spoken enough about personalizing messages?

We can tell you that start personalizing your messages and stop automating the messages. You DO NOT want to reduce the chances of landing up with a prospect with generic messages. 

Take your call in choosing message templates. Ensure that you know your prospects, the industry they work in, the company, and more such information.

How to make meaningful conversations on LinkedIn?

No points for guessing. We can show how meaningful conversations can turn if you’re doing it right! Nurturebox extension comes with template-based messaging – send personalized messages to prospects. 

Check this out and see the difference for yourself:

Personalized messages definitely cut it through with your prospects. Expect more responses as you pack more value into the approach. 


You can always make the messaging game fun! Using memes, GIFs, and more can grab eyeballs from your prospects than just plain & boring texts.

Find some interesting LinkedIn messaging examples in this blog:

How To Write A Powerful LinkedIn Message (With 5 Templates) (appsumo.com)

Creating cold email template for LinkedIn

Creating and sending cold emails on LinkedIn is easy when you have the right tool in place. Nurturebox allows you to create templates that stand relevant to your job description. 

The problem with cold emails is that if you don’t put much thought into creating them, there’re chances of them getting into the spam folder. 

Spam email is still a problem, with up to 64% of people reporting email as spam because of long subject lines.

There’re ample facts supporting how cold emailing can make or break your chances!

What’s the Average Cold Email Response Rate in 2021? (gmass.co)

LinkedIn message must be included in a multi-channel sequence

Lead generation on LinkedIn can be done by turning your message into a multichannel sequence. 

When you add more channels of communication, such as cold calling or emailing, you’re pretty much covering all bases for your prospects.

Sample LinkedIn message templates you must try

By now we’ve touched all bases—LinkedIn messaging rules, FAQs, and knowing how to approach prospects. 

Sending messages to candidates got easier for you! However, we’ve some templates that you can use as part of personalized messaging. 

Take cues from these templates to know what all you should add to your messages. Send only a high level of personalized messaging. 

Personalized templates for recruiting

We get it– it’s not possible to create personalized for every candidate you want to approach. Instead, you can put one type of personalized message in a bucket. Use them for a group of candidates. 

Let’s consider the structure of such messages as–

First name, personalized sentence based on the context of the email, and questions related to this

The good thing about this format is that it’s not pushing the message, rather being enough professional to send across the message.

Ensure that you’re sending such templates to the right kind of prospects. 

Networking connection request template

Networking request templates include the benefits of both parties. It’s important to reveal the information– both parties can have a clear view of the advantages.

For example, find this networking connection request template.

Employing the best of your content marketing skills, write a compelling message to impress your prospects. 

If the prospect replies to this, you know you’ve qualified!

Recruitment Template

LinkedIn is possibly the best platform to look out for candidates! As a recruiter, send messages to make connections with prospects you’re looking to hire. 

Never forget to personalize your message– to let the prospect know that you mean business!


LinkedIn group member template

Check out this message that establishes a connection with the aim of starting a conversation. 

Key Takeaways

LinkedIn messaging takes some work, but with this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating cold messages that get replies. 

Once you find your go-to message be sure to shoot it over to me by email or, of course, LinkedIn message!

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