Exorcising Candidate Ghosting: Strategies for a Smooth Hiring Process

Exorcising Candidate Ghosting: Strategies for a Smooth Hiring Process


Rohit Ram Gopal

August 16, 2023

You may be familiar with the term Ghosting in the dating world, right? If not, good for you! Did you know that Ghosting also happens in the recruitment and hiring process? In the past year, a staggering number of 76% of employers report being ghosted by candidates, while 28% admit to have ghosted Potential employers. The phenomenon of candidate ghosting has been observed in various stages, right from the initial contact to even after an offer has been accepted. Stay glued, as we explore the reasons behind candidate ghosting and provide various strategies to prevent it, ensuring a smoother and more efficient hiring process.


Loss of Interest: Candidates often lose interest in a position or company once they learn more about them. This can be due to the mismatch in expectations or a misalignment of values between the candidate and the organization.

Accepting Another Job Offer: Candidates may receive and accept another job offer during the recruitment process, leading them to disengage from other prospective employers.

Complicated and Lengthy Hiring Process: A complex and prolonged hiring process can really frustrate candidates and eventually lead them to abandon the application process altogether. Simplicity and efficiency are crucial to maintain candidate engagement. Misalignment with Candidate Expectations: The actual job description or the company does not meet the candidate’s expectations based on the initial description or interview. Clear and accurate communication is vital to avoid any surprises or disappointments later on.

Shift in Workplace Policies: The implementation of policies, such as mandatory return-to-office requirements, can easily impact the candidate’s interest and decision-making process.


Transparent and Inclusive Job Descriptions: Craft job descriptions that clearly outline the responsibilities, goals, and essential requirements of the position. Use precise and inclusive language to attract a diverse pool of talent and remove any gender-coded language that may deter potential applicants.

Streamline the Hiring Process: Faster hiring can significantly reduce candidate ghosting. By promptly responding to candidates and making timely offers, you can increase your chances of securing top talent before your competitors.

Maintain Communication: Lack of communication can contribute to candidates losing interest. Keep applicants informed about the status of their application, promptly acknowledge receipt, and provide regular updates throughout the hiring process. Consistent communication demonstrates your commitment and helps candidates stay engaged.

Exceed Expectations: Go above and beyond! Be utterly transparent about the company’s culture, values, and work environment. By providing a positive and engaging candidate experience, even those not selected will have a favorable impression of your organization. ‍


While it may not be possible to eliminate candidate ghosting entirely, organizations can take proactive steps to minimize the occurrence. With the primary focus on transparent communication, streamlining processes, and providing excellent candidate experience, you can increase the likelihood of attracting and retaining top talent. Do remember this, candidates who have a positive impact on the organization are more likely to consider future opportunities within your organization (Win-Win)! Embrace the strategy and build a strong employer brand and optimize your recruitment efforts.

Happy Hunting, people!!!

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