Workplace Thought Leaders HR Professionals You Should Follow Today

Workplace Thought Leaders HR Professionals You Should Follow Today


Rohit Ram Gopal

September 5, 2023

As HR professionals, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in our field. One of the most effective ways to do this is by following thought leaders in the HR industry. Thought leaders are individuals who have established themselves as experts in their respective areas and have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in HR.

By following thought leaders, we gain access to their insights, experiences, and knowledge, which can help us navigate the ever-changing landscape of human resources. These thought leaders often share valuable information through their blogs, articles, podcasts, and social media platforms. By regularly consuming their content, we can stay informed about the latest trends, best practices, and innovative strategies in HR.

Benefits of following thought leaders in HR

Following thought leaders in the HR field offers numerous benefits for HR professionals. Firstly, it allows us to broaden our knowledge and perspective. Thought leaders often share their unique insights and experiences, which can challenge our existing beliefs and help us see things from a different angle. This can be particularly valuable when we encounter complex and challenging situations in our roles.

Secondly, following thought leaders can help us enhance our problem-solving skills. By learning from the experiences and expertise of thought leaders, we can gather new ideas and strategies to overcome the obstacles we face in our day-to-day work. This can lead to improved decision-making and more effective solutions to HR challenges.

Lastly, following thought leaders in HR can help us build our professional network. Many thought leaders are active on social media platforms and engage with their followers. By actively participating in their discussions and sharing our thoughts and ideas, we can connect with other professionals in the field and expand our network. These connections can provide opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and career growth.

Nurturing a positive workplace culture: Insights from thought leaders

A positive workplace culture is essential for the success and well-being of both employees and organizations. Thought leaders in the HR field understand the significance of nurturing a positive workplace culture and often share valuable insights and strategies on how to achieve it.

One key aspect emphasized by thought leaders is the importance of leadership in shaping workplace culture. They stress the need for leaders to lead by example, create an inclusive environment, and promote open communication. Thought leaders also highlight the role of employee engagement in fostering a positive culture. They provide insights on how to create a sense of belonging, recognize and reward employees' contributions, and foster a supportive and collaborative work environment.

In addition, thought leaders advocate for the value of diversity and inclusion in building a positive workplace culture. They provide guidance on how to create an inclusive culture that values and celebrates differences, encourages diverse perspectives, and ensures equal opportunities for all employees.

By following thought leaders in HR, we can gain valuable insights and practical strategies to nurture a positive workplace culture in our organizations. Their expertise can inspire us to take proactive steps towards creating an environment where employees thrive and organizations succeed.

The role of thought leaders in candidate sourcing and hiring

Thought leaders in the HR field play a crucial role in candidate sourcing and hiring. They provide valuable insights and strategies to help HR professionals attract top talent and make informed hiring decisions.

One area where thought leaders offer valuable guidance is in employer branding. They emphasize the importance of building a strong employer brand to attract top candidates. Thought leaders provide insights on how to showcase the organization's values, culture, and opportunities to create a compelling employer brand. They also offer tips on leveraging social media and other platforms to effectively communicate the employer brand to potential candidates.

Thought leaders also share best practices in candidate sourcing and recruitment. They provide insights on how to leverage technology, data, and analytics to streamline the hiring process and identify the most suitable candidates. Additionally, they offer guidance on conducting effective interviews, assessing cultural fit, and making data-driven hiring decisions.

By following thought leaders in the HR field, we can gain valuable knowledge and strategies to enhance our candidate sourcing and hiring practices. Their expertise can help us attract and select the best talent for our organizations, contributing to the overall success of our HR initiatives.

Learning and development: How thought leaders shape the future of HR

Learning and development is a critical aspect of HR, and thought leaders play a significant role in shaping its future. They provide insights, trends, and innovative strategies that help HR professionals stay ahead of the curve and ensure the continuous growth and development of their workforce.

Thought leaders emphasize the importance of creating a culture of learning within organizations. They provide insights on how to design and implement effective learning programs, foster a growth mindset, and encourage continuous learning and development. They also share trends and best practices in e-learning, micro-learning, and other emerging approaches to learning.

Furthermore, thought leaders advocate for the use of technology and digital platforms in learning and development. They provide insights on how to leverage AI, virtual reality, gamification, and other innovative tools to enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging and effective.

By following thought leaders in the HR field, we can gain valuable knowledge and strategies to shape the future of learning and development in our organizations. Their expertise can guide us in creating a culture of continuous learning, equipping our workforce with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Top thought leaders in the HR field and their contributions

In the vast landscape of HR thought leadership, there are several influential individuals who have made significant contributions to the field. Here are some of the top thought leaders in the HR field and their notable contributions:

Meghan M. Biro

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Meghan M. Biro is the CEO of Talent Culture and is a globally recognized talent management leader, career strategist, and digital media catalyst. She is an inspiring writer and speaker who has worked with top global companies in recruiting the best talent.

She is an avid blogger who regularly shares her ideas and opinions on Forbes and Huffington Post. She is a true example of HR leadership and you should follow her right away if you are looking for fresh perspectives on recruitment. Follow Meghan M. Biro on LinkedIn.

Raghu Krishnamoorthy


Dr. Raghu Krishnamoorthy is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Chief Learning Officer doctoral program at the University of Pennsylvania.
Before entering the world of academia, he imparted his expertise in human resources and learning for 38 years. He is the author of the Linkedin Newsletter and you can subscribe to get daily updates on the future of recruitment. While much HR content out there repeats the same old ideas, Krishnamoorthy offers a nuanced perspective on topical issues such as employee retention and burnout.

His article, Talent is abundant- the real problem is about how we think about them! Is a gem and is a must-read for every HR professional.

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Josh Bersin

Josh Bersin.jpeg

Josh Bersin is the founder and CEO of Bersin by Deloitte. He is an industry analyst, educator, researcher, and technology analyst who talks about corporate HR, training, talent management, recruiting leadership, and workplace technology. He is one of the most influential HR leaders as he also founded the Josh Bersin Academy, a digital library of tools and resources for HR professionals.

Bersin is frequently featured in talent and business publications such as Forbes, Harvard Business Review, HR Executive, FastCompany, The Wall Street Journal, and CLO Magazine.
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Claude Silver

Claude Silver.jpg

Claude Silver is the first-ever Chief Heart Officer (CHRO) at VaynerMedia and also a member of the Talent Champion Council. She is a famous HR leader who is an eloquent speaker both outside and inside her organization and presses about the need to treat employees like humans and not numbers.

The HR thought leader always emphasizes the importance of kindness, empathy, and true heart leadership in every workplace.

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Joey V. Price

Joey Price.jpg

Joey V. Price is the CEO of Jumpstart: HR and has been recognized in the "Top 30 HR Professionals Under 30" by SHRM's HR Magazine.

His HR consultancy firm offers services to startups and small businesses. Having spent 12 years in the HR industry, he loves helping people grow and develop with a particular focus on supporting underperforming businesses.

Follow him on Linkedin and Twitter to gain the most of his HR thought leadership.

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Resources for staying updated on the latest trends in HR

Staying updated on the latest trends and best practices in HR is crucial for HR professionals to excel in their roles. Fortunately, there are several resources available that can help us stay informed and continuously expand our knowledge.

  1. Blogs: Many thought leaders in the HR field maintain their own blogs where they share insights, experiences, and practical strategies. Subscribing to these blogs can provide a regular dose of valuable content. Some popular HR blogs include HR Insider, HR Leaders, and HR Buzz.
  2. Podcasts: Podcasts have become a popular medium for thought leaders to share their knowledge and engage with their audience. There are various HR-focused podcasts that feature interviews with industry experts and discussions on current HR trends. Some recommended podcasts include HR Unplugged, HR Talk, and HR Insights.
  3. Online Communities: Engaging in online communities and forums can provide valuable opportunities to connect, learn, and share knowledge with other HR professionals. Platforms like LinkedIn, HR.com, and SHRM have active communities where professionals can participate in discussions, ask questions, and access valuable resources.
  4. Industry Conferences and Events: Attending HR conferences and events is an excellent way to stay updated on the latest trends and network with other professionals. These events often feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops led by thought leaders in the field.

By exploring these resources and actively engaging with them, HR professionals can ensure they stay informed about the latest trends, best practices, and innovative strategies in the HR field.

How thought leaders can enhance your professional growth in HR

Thought leaders in the HR field can play a significant role in enhancing our professional growth. By actively following and learning from these thought leaders, we can acquire valuable knowledge, skills, and perspectives that contribute to our personal and professional development.

Firstly, thought leaders can serve as mentors and role models. Their expertise, experiences, and success stories can inspire us to set higher goals and strive for excellence in our HR careers. By learning from their journeys and strategies, we can gain insights into what it takes to succeed in the HR field.

Secondly, thought leaders can provide valuable guidance and practical tips on specific HR topics. Whether it's leadership development, employee engagement, or talent management, thought leaders often share their expertise through books, articles, webinars, and workshops. By actively engaging with their content, we can gain practical knowledge and skills that can be applied in our day-to-day work.

Lastly, thought leaders can expand our professional network. By actively engaging with their content, participating in discussions, and attending their events, we can connect with other HR professionals who share similar interests and goals. These connections can provide opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and career growth.

The 7 C's of Becoming an HR Thought Leader

By embracing thought leadership and actively following thought leaders in the HR field, we can enhance our professional growth and stay at the forefront of our industry.

Thought leadership in human resources consulting and services

Thought leadership in the context of human resources consulting and services is particularly valuable for organizations seeking external expertise and guidance. Thought leaders in the HR consulting and services space can provide valuable insights, innovative strategies, and practical solutions to address the unique challenges organizations face in managing their workforce.

Thought leaders in HR consulting often have deep industry knowledge and experience working with a diverse range of organizations. They understand the complexities of HR and can provide tailored solutions to meet specific organizational needs. Their expertise spans various HR areas, including talent acquisition, performance management, employee engagement, and organizational development.

In addition to their expertise, thought leaders in HR consulting also possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills. They can analyze complex organizational challenges, identify underlying issues, and develop effective strategies to address them. Their insights and recommendations are often backed by data and research, providing organizations with evidence-based solutions.

Moreover, thought leaders in HR consulting are often at the forefront of emerging trends and best practices. They continuously monitor the HR landscape, attend conferences, and engage with other thought leaders to stay updated on the latest developments in the field. This allows them to offer innovative and forward-thinking solutions to their clients.

By seeking thought leadership in HR consulting and services, organizations can benefit from the expertise, insights, and innovative strategies offered by these thought leaders. Engaging with thought leaders can provide organizations with a competitive edge in managing their workforce and achieving their HR goals.

Conclusion: Embracing thought leadership for success in the HR field

In today's rapidly evolving HR landscape, embracing thought leadership is crucial for HR professionals seeking success and growth in their careers. By actively following and learning from thought leaders in the HR field, we can gain valuable insights, innovative strategies, and practical solutions to navigate the challenges and opportunities in HR.

Thought leaders provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise through their blogs, articles, podcasts, and social media platforms. By regularly consuming their content, we can stay informed about the latest trends, best practices, and emerging strategies in HR. This knowledge can help us make informed decisions, enhance our problem-solving skills, and drive positive change in our organizations.

Moreover, following thought leaders in HR allows us to broaden our perspective and expand our professional network. By engaging with their content and participating in discussions, we can connect with other HR professionals, collaborate on projects, and seek mentorship opportunities. These connections can contribute to our professional growth and open doors to new career opportunities.

In conclusion, embracing thought leadership is essential for success in the HR field. By actively following and learning from thought leaders, we can stay ahead of the curve, continuously develop our skills and knowledge, and make a positive impact in our organizations. So, let's unlock our potential by discovering the top thought leaders to follow in the HR field and embark on a journey of continuous growth and success.

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