How to make mental health your main focus right now: A Recruiter Guide

How to make mental health your main focus right now: A Recruiter Guide


Rohit Ram Gopal

November 21, 2023

World Mental Health Day | Johns Hopkins | Bloomberg School of Public Health

In the fast-paced world of recruitment, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and filling positions. While the pursuit of talent is essential, it's equally important to prioritize something often overlooked—mental health. In this recruiter's guide, we will delve into why mental health matters, and provide valuable tips and a to-do list to help recruiters create a more mentally healthy and supportive work environment.

Why Mental Health Matters

Before we delve into the practical aspects of making mental health a priority in recruitment, it's crucial to understand why it matters. Mental health is not just a personal concern but a collective one. Here's why:

  • Productivity and Performance: Employees with good mental health tend to be more productive and perform better. A mentally healthy workforce can positively impact your company's bottom line.
  • Retention: High levels of stress and burnout can lead to high turnover rates. By focusing on mental health, you can reduce turnover and retain your valuable employees.
  • Company Reputation: Businesses that prioritize mental health are viewed more favorably by employees and customers. It can boost your company's reputation as an employer of choice.
  • Legal Compliance: Legal requirements around mental health are increasing. Prioritizing mental health helps your company stay compliant with labor laws and regulations.
  • Ethical Responsibility: It's the right thing to do. As recruiters and HR professionals, you have a responsibility to care for the well-being of your employees.

Tips for Making Mental Health Your Priority

Mental Health in India: A Taboo to Tackle – I.I.M.U.N. Blog

Now that we understand why mental health matters, let's explore some practical tips for recruiters to make it a priority in their daily operations.

1. Cultivate a Supportive Culture

Foster an environment where open discussions about mental health are encouraged. This can include hosting workshops on mental health awareness, providing access to resources, and promoting a stigma-free workplace.

2. Screen for Mental Health Compatibility

During the interview process, assess not only technical skills but also soft skills related to emotional intelligence and stress management. It's important to ensure that candidates are a good fit for your company's culture.

3. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexibility in work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, can help employees manage their mental health more effectively. Consider these options when discussing employment terms.

4. Mental Health Training for Recruiters

Train your recruiting team on recognizing signs of mental health issues, understanding the importance of sensitivity, and being aware of available resources for employees.

5. Promote Work-Life Balance

Encourage employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Discourage long hours and offer vacation and personal days to help reduce stress and prevent burnout.

25 Best Ways To Celebrate Work-Life Balance and Its Benefits

6. Wellness Programs

Implement wellness programs that focus on physical and mental health. This can include yoga classes, mindfulness workshops, or subscriptions to mental health apps.

7. Access to Mental Health Benefits

Ensure your employees have access to mental health benefits, including counseling services and support groups. Make these resources readily available and easily accessible.

8. Peer Support Networks

Encourage employees to build strong peer support networks. These connections can provide a safety net during tough times and improve overall mental well-being.

9. Regular Check-Ins

Incorporate regular mental health check-ins into your company's communication and feedback processes. This can help employees feel heard and supported.

A Recruiter's To-Do List for Prioritizing Mental Health

Now that we've covered some tips, let's create a to-do list that recruiters can follow to make mental health a consistent focus in their daily activities.

How to Make Your To-Do List Doable

1. Review Job Descriptions

Examine your job descriptions to ensure they are realistic and don't create undue stress. Avoid overly ambitious expectations that can contribute to burnout.

2. Offer Training Opportunities

Facilitate workshops and training sessions to educate your recruiting team on the importance of mental health and how to spot potential signs of distress in candidates.

3. Revise Interview Questions

Revise interview questions to include inquiries about candidates' ability to manage stress, work in a team, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

4. Create Mental Health Resources

Compile a list of mental health resources, including counseling services and crisis helplines, and provide this information to your employees.

5. Establish Mental Health Policies

Create and communicate clear mental health policies within your organization. Ensure employees know how to request accommodations if needed.

6. Promote Awareness

Run campaigns and initiatives that raise awareness about mental health issues. Use company newsletters and social media to share valuable information.

7. Monitor Employee Feedback

Regularly collect and review employee feedback to gauge the effectiveness of your mental health initiatives and make necessary adjustments.

8. Partner with Mental Health Organizations

Collaborate with mental health organizations or nonprofits to bring in expert guidance and resources for your employees.

9. Celebrate Mental Health Successes

Celebrate milestones and successes related to mental health initiatives, and highlight the positive impact on your employees and your organization.


Mental health matters, not just for individuals, but for organizations as a whole. By making it a priority in your recruitment efforts, you not only create a healthier and more inclusive work environment but also reap the benefits of improved productivity, higher retention rates, and an enhanced company reputation.

As recruiters, it's your responsibility to care for the mental well-being of your employees. Implementing the tips and following the to-do list provided in this guide will help you do just that. So, let's make mental health a priority and create a happier, more productive, and successful workplace for all.
Mental Health Biden GIF by Creative Courage - Find & Share on GIPHY

Remember, prioritizing mental health isn't just a task to check off your list; it's a continuous commitment that benefits everyone involved. Start today, and you'll see the positive impact it can have on your organization.

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